Labour have given up on Spelthorne and the Tories take your vote for granted

The national Labour Party don’t think that they can win in Spelthorne. This is in stark contrast to the Liberal Democrats. We are committed to seeing the Tories kicked out and replaced by a local progressive MP, who cares about Spelthorne and is not just a party appointee.
The Labour Party website asks their supporters in Spelthorne to go to Crawley to campaign.
In contrast, Harry Boparai, the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Spelthorne is confident that he can replace the disgraced former MP, Kwasi Kwarteng.
Harry commented “I know the Conservatives can be beaten in Spelthorne. I have spent the last year talking and listening to residents, and there is a clear majority who want to get the Tories out and replaced with a local MP who cares about this area. Both the Conservative and Labour candidates have no links to Spelthorne – they have just been parachuted in by national parties. The Tories have been taking the residents for granted for years – this election is the opportunity for a change.”
Harry Boparai could be the first MP for Spelthorne who actually lives in the constituency. Harry made his family home here 13 years ago. As a county and borough councillor he has been helping his constituents resolve their issues for two years. He didn't suddenly appear from nowhere once the election was called.