Harry Boparai has a record of working for the local community
Since being elected as a County councillor in 2022, Harry Boparai, the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Spelthorne has been working on community issues and resolving problems that had been ignored for years.
A local resident recently wrote to Harry saying:
"Harry lives in Spelthorne so understands the problems we have first hand. He loves it here as much as we do. If Harry got voted in as our MP this would give him a lot more weight to get things done. He is always happy to have a chat to discuss any matters concerning you. He is very approachable, a good guy and family man."
In only two years Harry has done a great deal for the residents of Spelthorne. Click on the headlines to see the details
Tracy, a local resident said "I would say this is one of Harry’s greatest achievements. Harry worked with local residents to defeat chancers who tried to buy plots of green community land then blackmail the residents into repurchasing them as car park spaces."
Harry contacted the Auction House handling the sale of the land and made them aware of the legal restrictions associated with the land which would prevent the commercialisation of the site in the way suggested. He then got this approach formalised as a process which has now been replicated across Surrey. So far four plots of land in the Sunbury Common and Ashford Common area have been protected thanks to Harry's quick thinking.
Article: Land at Heathcroft Avenue protected
Harry has campaigned and pushed for Surrey County Council to restore the identity of Ashford Common.
Harry was approached by residents who wanted to see the historic Ashford Common and Shepperton signpost restored. Harry found the bulk of the funding for this project and supported it the whole way through, dealing with Surrey County Council to help move things along.
A local resident said "Harry been very encouraging to the team as we have faced so many hurdles. We have got to know Harry really well over these last few months and found him very down to earth and approachable. He knew that one of the team was also looking for milestones and himself noticed the one on London Road, Ashford which is now accounted for and updated with the Milestone Society. He really has been a team player throughout and shares our passion for restoring historical pieces"
Harry was approached by a resident with regards to a waterway in Sunbury. He quickly came on-board and wanted to look at ways to enhance this waterway for the benefit of the environment, and to possibly help avoid flooding in certain areas. Harry now has a good rapport with the Environmental Agency (EA) and they communicate often with updates to this project. This engagement with the EA has opened a door to discuss other issues as and when they arise.
Harry is also very vocal in objecting locally to the sewage being pumped into our rivers and will continue to fight against this source of pollution until something is done about it.
An example of Harry's campaign can be found here.

Funding for St Saviour's kitchen refurbishment
Harry has been a big supporter and organised a substantial grant to enable the team there to build a new kitchen so they can provide educational food courses and meals for food bank users. Harry continues to support this worthy cause and has been very proactive.

Crownage Court - Sunbury
This piece of land just before Sunbury Cross forecourt had been a mess for several years and was attracting anti-social behaviour. There were raised paving slabs which were a trip hazard and the pavement was in very poor condition. Residents had spoken to other councillors in the past but they could not seem to find the owner so things were left. Harry found the owner and held them to account. As a result of Harry's work, there is now an attractive safe forecourt which will complement the new Community Hub that Surrey County Council is about to start building.
Parking: Harry has listened to residents that cannot park on their own drive due to other vehicles blocking the road and has raised this to Surrey County Council. If things quieten down and patrols become less, residents will report to Harry and he is back on the case again to make sure it is patrolled often.
Surrey Highways Grass Cutting: In April 2023 Surrey CC took back the cutting of grass verges from Spelthorne Council and transferred it to a private contractor to save money. The quality of service during 2023 was abysmal, and Harry with other County Councillors lobbied to get the service levels restored. The grass cutting this year has improved, but it remains below the standard achieved when it was under local control, and Harry continues to push Surrey and their contractors to stick to their commitments on this service when it was privatised.
Ashton Lodge Care Home: Harry had the pleasure of visiting here and has given some funding to assist in improving the environment of those living there. He has met the wonderful and committed staff and now visits when he can for updates and hopefully a morale boost.
Helping residents with mobility issues: Harry invested some of his County Councillor funding into creating access for a resident with mobility issues to be able to get from her home to the local park. This was extremely difficult before Harry stepped in due to the state of the pavement and the cars parking on the grass verges.
The roads and pavements in Spelthorne are the responsibility of Surrey Highways, and far too many are in a very poor state of repair.
Harry has been chasing this issue with Surrey CC and they are now starting to fix and re-tarmac some roads. So far it is a very small amount but hopefully momentum will continue and improvements will get more frequent as at present some roads are totally unacceptable and causing vehicles damage. Harry is listening to residents and making sure that the priorities in his area are clear and understood by Surrey CC and their contractors.
We have seen a great improvement on some of our roads since Harry's election. Cadbury Road has been transformed and Sunbury Cross roundabout will now receive line refreshment work in the next financial year after Harry put pressure on Surrey to act due to the rise in collisions This issue had been previously ignored.
Harry has had the pleasure of visiting Staines and Ashford Youth Clubs and understands the importance of them and to give the youth somewhere to polish their social skills and learn different activities. He has also been very interested in the work of local residents to improve Kenyngton Manor Recreation Grounds. A group of Mum’s got together and have achieved amazing things and got new play equipment installed. It is now well used and visitors love it. Harry has visited a few local schools and has enjoyed seeing the services and opportunities being given to them.
Harry has also visited several local schools to talk to the children and asking them what they would like to see changed. He has also spoken to the children about the importance of democracy in morning assembly and supported a group on an environmental project. Harry directs some of his funding to the Boys Brigade in Ashford Common to help support a day of activities.
Last summer Harry scheduled a meeting with the Shepperton Studios' Community Engagement Officer, during which he requested that youth opportunities be communicated to young people across all of Spelthorne. I am happy to say Shepperton Studios have stuck to their word and shown their dedication to our community.

Policing, Crime and Anti-social behaviour
There are not many places in Spelthorne that have a good coverage of Police and Harry has had meetings with regards to this. Residents complain to him constantly how they do not feel protected and things need to improve. Harry will continue with his work with Surrey Police to improve services and more patrols on the streets.
Harry reports any fly tipping he is made aware of as this is one of his pet hates. Some building material waste is now again free to tip at the Eco Park, whereas before Surrey CC was charging, and this was resulting in more fly tipping. This is something Harry wants to continue to improve and work on.
The volunteers in Spelthorne are amazing, not least the litter pickers who go out in all weathers to keep our roads clean. It was a pleasure for Harry to be able to allocate some funding towards some new equipment for this wonderful team.
Recently Harry helped to see off a planning application to build a large retirement village on Green Belt land behind the Running Horse in Sunbury Common. The development would have created a high-priced estate with no affordable units, and which would offer no benefit to local residents. This part of the Green Belt is particularly important in separating Sunbury from Greater London.
The developers are appealing against the refusal, but Harry will be standing up for the locals once again to stop what one resident has called "this over-sized carbuncle".
Harry has funded the creation of Coffee and Conversation. This group was formed because of Harry reaching out when first elected, and two years on we have locals young and old socialising together. Some of the visitors are widows and younger ones struggled with social skills. This group has grown and continues to do so much good for so many people. Another of Harry’s success stories.